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Genre: Animation, Romance
Kominami Shizuka is a mild-mannered college student who is having trouble adjusting to city life. One day she meets Kirishima Ryou another student who projects the image of a cool older sister. The two hit it off but Shizuka is shocked when Ryou attempts to seduce her. Shizuka initially assumes that Ryou is a lesbian but Ryou is in fact a man who dresses like a...
Genre: Animation
Haruto Tsukishiro wakes up in a dream world and sees a mysterious girl named Lily. He meets Katsumi Kanzaki learns of the existence of witches and gets involved in various...
Genre: Animation
Vatican City—Holy Land of the Catholics. Amidst the land there is an organization that conducts rigorous investigations on claims of miracles from all over the world to ascertain their credibility. The organization is referred to as Seito no Za Assembly of Saints and the priests that belong there are called miracle investigators. Robert Nicholas an ancient archive and cryptanalysis...
Genre: Animation, Fantasy, Japanese
The enormous cave system known as the Abyss is the only unexplored place in the world. Nobody knows how deep down goes this titanic pit inhabited by strange and wondrous creatures and full of mysterious ancient relics which purpose in unknown to modern man. Generations of bold adventurers have been drawn by the cryptic depths of the...
Genre: Animation, Japanese
Feckless high school student Tatara Fujita wants to be good at something - anything. Unfortunately hes about as average as a slouchy teen can be. The local bullies know this and make it a habit to hit him up for cash but all that changes when the debonair Kaname Sengoku sends them packing. Sengokus not the neighborhood watch though. Hes a professional ballroom dancer. And once Tatara...
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Fantasy
Tughril Mahmut is a young pasha serving on the Divan of the Türkiye Stratocracy. The clouds of war are gathering over his country due to the threat of an aggressive Empire. With the Divan split between warmongers and the pacifists Mahmut begins his quest to keep the peace at any cost. As he finds himself deeper and deeper in the politics of the ancient world new enemies and allies surface. Who...
Country: Canada
Genre: Thriller
Single mom Karen Clark hires Alex a manny a male nanny or au pair to help with her two young sons never suspecting Alex has other plans and wants her family as his own even if he has to murder to achieve his...
Country: N/A
Genre: Documentary
William Shatner sits down with scientists innovators and celebrities to discuss how the optimism of Star Trek influenced multiple...