Country: United States
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Upon moving into a bigoted neighborhood the scientist father of a persecuted black family gives a superpower elixir to a tough bodyguard who thus becomes a superpowered...
Country: United States
Genre: Crime, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Jack Samms evening started normal enough. But then the mysterious masked stranger known as Trick pays him a visit. Within minutes Jack is faced with a ticking clock after Trick reveals that Jacks estranged wife and her lover are buried in a wooden box - and will be out of oxygen in 75 minutes. With two cops hot on his trail Jack must try to avoid being framed for his wifes murder while...
Country: United States
Genre: Horror
Hollywood California is turned upside down by a series of strange and horrific murders creating chaos and turmoil in tinsel town. One particular victim is kidnapped held captive and subjected to witness the torture and murder of numerous other victims. It is by her will strength and faith that she must survive the ordeal. Her escape seems hopeless and only worsens when outside supernatural...
Country: United States
Genre: Animation, Musical, Sci-Fi
It is the year 3069 and the Earth has been robbed of all its natural resources destroyed by war and ozone depletion and is now only a barren desert. The humans who inhabit this empty vessel search not only for food but for a god to save them. Their search will soon be over when Charlie returns to save...
Country: Argentina
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Román and his friend Ali seek out his girlfriend Jackie in a dangerous zone in a suburb in Buenos Aires. Ali shows an old house and tells that Jackie had met a blonde guy that she found in Internet and now she had been invited to have dinner with him. Román waits in the car while Ali enters the house. When Román suspects that something is wrong he breaks in the house and finds two old men...
Country: Thailand
Genre: Horror, Mystery
Colic is a syndrome found in infants which causes infants to cry continuously for hours. The reason behind this illness is usually credited by medical expects to a number of factors. However some people believe that its linked to something supernatural. Colic tells a story of a couple Pongpob and Phraeploy who have a shotgun wedding upon discovering that Praeploy has unexpectedly become...
Country: United States, Germany
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck are up to their feuding ways again. Tired of playing second fiddle to Bugs Daffy has decided to leave the Studio for good. He is aided by Warner Bros. humor impaired Vice President of Comedy Kate Houghton who releases him from his contract and instructs WB security guard/aspiring stunt man DJ Drake to capture and escort Daffy off the studio lot. Suddenly a sidekick...
Country: United States
Genre: Comedy, Music
Cheech and Chong meet up by chance on the highway somewhere in California. They go in search of some dope and are accidentally deported to Mexico where in their desperation to get home they agree to drive a van back to the States so they can get back in time for a gig they are due to play. Unaware of the properties from which the van is constructed they make their way back having aquired a couple...