Himegoto follows Hime Arikawa, a second-year student at Shimoshina High School. Forced to assume a large amount of debt from by his now-absent parents, Hime is saved by the three girls of his school's student council after he is chased down by debt collectors. In return for paying off his debt, Hime agrees to their conditions of becoming the student council's "dog" and spending his high school life dressed as a girl.Bessatsu Kamen Rider Saber Tanpen Katsudou Mangashuu
Demon Slayer: Entertainment District Arc
Arifureta: From Commonplace To World's Strongest Season 2
Arifureta: From Commonplace To World's Strongest Season 2 (dub)
Saiyuuki Reload Even A Worm Arc
Yashahime: Princess Half-demon: The Second Act (dub)