Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Supernatural, Romance, Anime
Mushi-Uta s story takes place in the near future. Ten years before the storys opening strange insect-like creatures known as Mushi began appearing. The Mushi are able to consume peoples dreams and thoughts in return for supernatural powers. At the end of episode one protagonist Daisuke Kakkō Kusuriya encounters a young girl named Shiika Anmoto. The two in time become quite...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Historical, Anime
DArtagnan leaves his hometown of Gascogne for Paris in order to join the Kings Musketeers or the Guards of the Cardinal. At his arrival he went into an argument with Athos Porthos and Aramis and provokes them into a duel. At the time of the duel they were interrupted by the Guards of the Cardinal who are enforcing the Kings decree banning duels. Afterwards DArtagnan and company became...
Country: Japan
Genre: Magical Girl, Comedy, detective fiction, Anime
Riko and Rimu Mikogami are twin sisters who live in Kamihama a Japanese city abundant with natural wonders. On an otherwise peaceful day while searching for a run-away cat the two come across a mysterious Kirumin compact in an attic. With the Kirumin these character-costume-wearing girls can transform into real animals. Their older sister Nagisa Mikogami soon joins them. Now the three have...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Military, Anime
The story is set in August of 2026 at the Fuji Training Facility. Natori Touko a third-year middle school student in the Eastern Private Defense Academy is entrenched in field training with instructor Kamiya. It has been a harsh training regiment but it is finally the last day. Kamiya proposes a extracurricular class under the name Newest Weapons Research. But then an incident occurs that...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Supernatural, Anime
The narrative of Buso Renkin follows Kazuki Muto who saves Tokiko Tsumura and is killed by an alchemical monster known as ahomunculus. Tokiko an alchemist warrior feels responsible and revives him by replacing his destroyed heart with a kakugane 核鉄. The kakugane is an alchemical device which when activated takes a weapon form based on its users personality forming a buso...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mecha, Action, Anime
The anime series Busou Shinki characters are animated versions of the Busou Shinki toys. In the anime the shinki characters are as small and have the same features of young adult women in body armor as the toys. The shinki characters also have visible mechanical limb articulation and have screw holes in the front of their shoulders like the action figures. The shinki characters...
Country: Japan
Genre: Kids. Anime
A gag comedy about Oshiri Kajiri Mushi XVIII a 10-year-old insect who goes to Biting School to inherit his familys Biting Shop...