The action story is set in Edo-era Tokyo in the early 1700s. The eighth shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune ordered boxes to be installed so commoners can submit their thoughts. After hearing their voices, the shogun creates a new magistrate unit Mushibugyou to protect the people in the heart of the city. Each member is a specialist with unique fighting skills.Detective Conan Ova 07: A Challenge From Agasa! Agasa Vs. Conan And The Detective Boys
Detective Conan Ova 08: High School Girl Detective Sonoko Suzuki's Case Files
Detective Conan Ova 09: The Stranger In 10 Years...
Detective Conan Ova 10: Kid In Trap Island
Detective Conan Ova 11: A Secret Order From London
Detective Conan Ova 12: The Miracle Of Excalibur
Devilman: The Demon Bird (dub)
Devilman: The Demon Bird (sub)