Country: United States
Genre: Drama
Partially based on the true events surrounding a rural religious cult in the American Midwest and how the members children suffered for their parents...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Shiro’s struggle with his father’s cancer and impending death leads to a realization that he must communicate his love and admiration for him before it’s too late. A series of flashbacks reveals their relationship over time and the trouble Shiro faced connecting to his strict father who was also his teacher and soccer coach. With a consuming secret of his own Shiro now in his late...
Country: China
Genre: Romance
Radio anchor Kemin Kristy ornaments intelligent and wise hosts a popular late-night show emotional interaction provide spiritual assistance to those who are troubled urban white-collar family of love and life. Li Mu Michael Tong decoration is a company owner a successful career and Kemin live happily together happy family. Shen wide Chi Shuai ornaments decorated Kemin loyal radio...
Country: Hong Kong
In Hong Kongs Paradise Cove Sharon Chrissie Chau and Rachel Theresa Fu work at a restaurant of their kung fu master uncle Tao Lo Mang while taking on rivals in beach volleyball matches. The wealthy Bu family has plans to have the beach made into a playground for the rich and getting rid of the youth at the beach. Mrs. Bus two Eurasian daughters Natalie Jessica C and Phoenix...
Country: Japan
Genre: Anime
Tada Banri a newly admitted student at a private law school in Tokyo found himself completely lost after the opening ceremony trying to find his way to the freshman orientation. At that moment he ran into another lost freshman from the same school Yanagisawa Mitsuo and they hit it off at once. Somehow arriving at their intended goal just on time there appeared in front of the two a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Cartoon
Maho Minami Shiori Kutsuna returns to Japan after studying in New York. Her half brother Ryusuke Minami Hiro Mizushima is an ultra talented guitarist. Maho & Ryosuke then meet Koyuki Takeru Sato a fellow young teen whom Maho takes interest in. Soon enough Ryosuke and Koyuki form a 5 piece rock band named Beck while Maho and Koyuki become involved in a romantic relationship. The...
Country: China
Genre: Thriller
Young men and women bore liters and Hui Fang Wang Yajie quiet life together but a series of strange events occur but broke their original calm. Hui Fang and had no children but she has often seen a supernatural...