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Genre: Drama, Military, Movie, Sci-Fi, Space
It is the year 2201. The Yamato has returned from the devastating battle with Emperor Zordar and the Comet Empire. Sanada Aihara and Shima are released from the hospital and go to pay their respects to the fallen crew members at Okitas memorial. They meet Tokugawas son Tasuke who says that he will be joining the crew once he graduates from cadet school. The next day at his graduation he...
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Military, Movie, Space
A crisis is approaching Earth with the expansion of a moving black hole in the year 2220. A plan is devised to move over 300-million people from Earth. When the latest transportation fleet is attacked Space Battleship Yamato comes to its defense the ship is now commanded by Susumu Kodai also aboard is daughter Miyuki child of Susumu and...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Mecha, Space
The story is set in the year 2050 AD and mankind has been steadily advancing its space technology. However the planet is suddenly set upon by a mysterious enemy: the forces of Eldar who came from 250 years in the future. In their time 2300 AD their planet Eldar was invaded by Earth and soundly defeated by Earths Trinity Energy a mysterious energy used in their weaponry that possesses...
Genre: Action, Movie, Sci-Fi
The story on Arcadias mystery on which the 13th television episode was...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Comedy, Dub, OVA, Sci-Fi
Hiroya Matsumoto hoping to become a great employee as his late father has just been hired at Raito Right Trading Company. Little does he know that he has been recruited for a very mysterious department within the company - the Special Duty Combat Unit known as SHINESMAN. Their purpose to fight the terrible often times hilarious alien forces that threaten the earth.Like most corporate...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Comedy, OVA, Sci-Fi
Hiroya Matsumoto hoping to become a great employee as his late father has just been hired at Raito Right Trading Company. Little does he know that he has been recruited for a very mysterious department within the company - the Special Duty Combat Unit known as SHINESMAN. Their purpose to fight the terrible often times hilarious alien forces that threaten the earth.Like most corporate...
Country: Japan
Genre: Demons, Dub, Fantasy, OVA
In a time when demons rule the world and mankind seeks freedom human rebels gain control of the demon-slaying sword Tenmaken and attempt to assassinate the Demon King Janus. To preserve the sovereignty of her homeland the half-human half-demon Princess Hiro must overcome her deep hatred of the humans or face a war that will ravage the entire...
Country: Japan
Genre: Demons, Fantasy, OVA
In a time when demons rule the world and mankind seeks freedom human rebels gain control of the demon-slaying sword Tenmaken and attempt to assassinate the Demon King Janus. To preserve the sovereignty of her homeland the half-human half-demon Princess Hiro must overcome her deep hatred of the humans or face a war that will ravage the entire...