Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Mystery, Thriller
Juuzawa Juu is a delinquent high school boy who just wants to be left alone. One day he is approached by Ochibana Ame who claims that she knew him in a previous life and now wants to...
Country: N/A
Genre: Animation, Thriller
Set two years after the Red Hole incident and eight years before the start of the series Senji Kiyomasa is a police officer using his Branch of Sin to fight criminals but has a little...
Country: N/A
Genre: Animation, Thriller
Set two years after the Red Hole incident and eight years before the start of the series Senji Kiyomasa is a police officer using his Branch of Sin to fight criminals but has a little...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Short
A man encounters strange animals during his road trip in his...