Country: Japan
Genre: Manga, Anime
Angel Densetsu is a story about Seiichirō Kitano a kind and naive boy with the heart of an angel but the sinister looks of a devil. This paired with his horrible luck and awkward social skills causes many misunderstandings leading people to assume that he is a delinquent or heroin addict and results in a career as the head thug or school guardian at his new...
Country: English
Genre: Anime
The movie opens in New York City in January 1955. Harry Angel Rourke a downtrodden private investigator is contacted by an attorney named Herman Winesap Dann Florek and instructed to meet a client named Louis Cyphre Robert De Niro in a Harlemchurch. He tells Angel about a popular pre-war crooner named John Liebling known as Johnny Favorite who suffered severe neurological trauma...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Yaoi / Shōnen-ai., Anime
It begins when Hamura Shou comes to Yuusei Academy from there it branches out into the truth behind his past and his twin brother Kais as well though they both have the same name they are referenced differently. It also portrays shōnen-ai between Kai and Nagi his supposed best...
Country: Japan
Genre: Harem, Magical girl, Romance, Anime
The main character Gorō Mutsumi has no luck at all not with jobs nor with his schooling and especially not with women or girlfriends. That is until the day he meets a fortune teller who informs him that he will have a fateful encounter and adds a spell to his cell phone that allows his guardian angels to appear to him. Gorō does not believe her and walks away as he remembers all of his...
Country: Japan
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Harem, Anime
The story opens with the Queen of the Shinchou universe conversing with the Queen of the Seijuu universe and the Seijuu Queen mentioning her stars breaking. Concerned she has her assistant Rosalia call her nine Guardians together. After the Queen explains the situation Luva the Guardian of Earth takes the other Guardians the Queen and Rosalia to a sacred stone of prophecy where he...
Country: United States
Genre: Comedy, Romance
A romantic comedy centered on a guy and a gal who try to keep their love alive as they shuttle back and forth between New York and San Francisco to see one...
Country: U.S. Manga Corps
Genre: Comedy, Anime
The plot revolves around a girl called Mikiko Kuromi Oguro who grows up watching the fictional anime Luis Monde III. She decides that animation is something she wants to do and so enrolls in animation school. When she gets out of school she is delighted to find a job at a small animation studio named Studio Petit. The director of the studio shows her around and gives her the nickname...