Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Historical, Military, Movie, Sci-Fi
Ray is a young inventor living in the U.K. in the middle of the 19th century. Shortly before the first ever Great Exhibition a marvelous invention called the Steam Ball behind which a menacing power is hidden arrives at his door from his grandfather Lloid in the U.S. Meanwhile the nefarious OHara Foundation has sent men to aquire the Steam Ball so that they can use its power towards their...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, OVA, Romance, Sci-Fi
Sometime in the distant future Kurumi Saki and Karinka share an apartment with another girl named Excelia. One day after school Kurumi tells everyone that she is in love with a man she met named Michihito Kagura but she doesnt know when she will see him...
Country: Japan
Genre: Dub, Movie, Sci-Fi, Thriller
After a year in America Kurisu Makise returns to Akihabara and reunites with Rintarou Okabe. However their reunion is cut short when Okabe begins to experience recurring flashes of other timelines as the consequences of his time traveling start to manifest. These side effects eventually culminate in Okabe suddenly vanishing from the world and only the startled Kurisu has any memory of his...
Country: Japan
Genre: Movie, Sci-Fi, Thriller
After a year in America Kurisu Makise returns to Akihabara and reunites with Rintarou Okabe. However their reunion is cut short when Okabe begins to experience recurring flashes of other timelines as the consequences of his time traveling start to manifest. These side effects eventually culminate in Okabe suddenly vanishing from the world and only the startled Kurisu has any memory of his...
Country: Japan
Genre: Sci-Fi, Special, Thriller
Alternate 23rd episode of Steins;Gate which leads into the story of Steins;Gate 0. It will be included with the Steins;Gate Complete Blu-ray...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Dub, Special
Unaired episode included with the sixth volume Blu-ray/DVD release of Steins;Gate...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Special
Unaired episode included with the sixth volume Blu-ray/DVD release of Steins;Gate...
Country: Japan
Genre: Sci-Fi, Thriller
Special episode included in the last of the nine Blu-ray/DVD volumes. The story is set a few months after the last scene of the television series. On a calm day in Akihabara Okabe and the other laboratory members are invited by Feyris to go to America. Mayuri and the rest are planning to reunite with Kurisu who had come back to an American laboratory. A few days later Okabes mad scientist...