Country: Luxembourg
Genre: Comedy
THE TOY GUN is a funny dark comedy about a character who looks to show the world the despair his ex-wife has left him in through a poorly thought out gesture only to find himself worthy...
Genre: Detective, Investigation, Mystery
Rekihiko Tokiya is an excellent detective in Kyoto. While chasing a suspect Rekihiko Tokiya falls into a water storage pool at an abandoned factory. He wakes up in a hospital room stunned that he cannot remember anything from the last 20 years. Although he is 51 years old he cannot recall anything past the age of 31 when he first started working as a detective. He is a divorcee but he does...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Life
The drama is based on a blog written by Baka Rhythm between 2006 and 2009 where he posed as a OL nicknamed Kakuu Masuno who supposedly worked in a bank and wrote stories about the daily feelings of a OL from her perspective and the people around...
Country: Japan
Genre: Romance, Sports
A love story between a 24-year-old office worker who has neither love experience nor communication skills and a 32-year-old female shogi player he meets on his daily...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Historical, Life, Romance, War
18-year-old Urano Suzu marries Hojo Shusaku and moves from Eba City to Kure City in Hiroshima Prefecture in the middle of the Pacific War. As Japan slides into a war it cannot get out of the townspeople go on with their “ordinary” lives. Supplies are short and family and friends get sent to the battlefield. Suzu and the Hojo family battle such anxieties as they try to live positively. ~~...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Law
Go Tae Rim is a lawyer. He is arrogant and makes biting remarks but he has a 100% winning rate. He cant even imagine ever losing a case and winning cases is the most important thing to him. His attorneys fee is obscenely high. Meanwhile Seo Jae In is a gung-ho rookie lawyer. She wants to help clients trapped in unfair situations. Seo Jae In realizes that lawyers who do not win cases are...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Detective, Mystery
Makino Hiyori is a rookie detective who is passionate about her work. One day a video clip depicting a person being burned alive is posted on the internet. Investigators believe this is a copycat crime of a murder that took place 5 years ago. Makino Hiyori visits ex-detective Natsume Soichiro who investigated the case 5 years ago. He lives is at a share house where only ex-police officers can...
Country: Japan
Genre: DDrama, Law, Suspense
The main character Himi Ko is a lawyer who is an expert in the field of crisis management. Her main area of activity is not in a courtroom but within the shadows of many of the big scandals. As a genius spin doctor she has managed to solve 99.9% of her client’s issues and requests. If need be she would even manage to reverse falsehood into justice. And most of all she has a strong belief...