Genre: Mystery
Emotionally ready to confront her fiancés 15-year-old murder Hailey finds herself caught up in the case of a missing college coed. The deeper Hailey digs into the young womans disappearance the more she is convinced the two events are...
Country: United States
Genre: Short, Comedy
Charlie is trying to get a job in a movie. After causing difficulty on the set he is told to help the carpenter. When one of the actors doesnt show Charlie is given a chance to act but...
Genre: Fantasy | Horror | Sci-Fi | Thriller
This mind-bending thriller follows two brothers who receive a cryptic video message inspiring them to revisit the UFO death cult they escaped a decade earlier. Hoping to find the closure that they couldnt as young men theyre forced to reconsider the cults beliefs when confronted with unexplainable phenomena surrounding the camp. As the members prepare for the coming of a mysterious event the...