Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Beast+ continues from where Beast left off though it is marketed as a stand-alone series. Episodes are reduced to approximately ten minutes in length airing in the thirty minute time-slot Oha Coliseum alongside the Saru Getchu anime. Beast+ consists of a string of arcs beginning with the appearance of the Professor and Zero both from Mega Man Network...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Slice of Life, Sports
Winning the high school team tournament was a great accomplishment for the Mizusawa members. Each of them has made great strides in improving themselves and the victory symbolizes how far theyve come. But after accomplishing one goal their individual aims are within reach. Chihaya Ayase has her sights set on Wakamiya Shinobu and the title of Queen and now that Taichi Mashima has made it into...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Supernatural
Along an empty road in the rural countryside Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji stumble across a stone plaque that reads Yi City. Still on their quest to unravel the mystery behind the cursed severed arm they venture into the deserted city to obtain further leads.However with the appearance of a mysterious new cultivator the demonic arm investigation leads Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji to a plot that...
Country: Japan
Genre: Slice of Life
Fourth dormitory of the Rat Production commonly known as Nezumi-sou—the place where dropout idol girls live: the former child actor Sekino Roko musician Nukui Hayu and model Maehara Nina. Sakura Ino who always dreamed of becoming an idol moves in. At the same time the decision is made to demolish the dormitory. Due to the project launched by the manager Kajino Hoho Ochikobore Fruit...
Country: Japan
Genre: Slice of Life
Fourth dormitory of the Rat Production commonly known as Nezumi-sou—the place where dropout idol girls live: the former child actor Sekino Roko musician Nukui Hayu and model Maehara Nina. Sakura Ino who always dreamed of becoming an idol moves in. At the same time the decision is made to demolish the dormitory. Due to the project launched by the manager Kajino Hoho Ochikobore Fruit...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Slice of Life, Sports
Winning the high school team tournament was a great accomplishment for the Mizusawa members. Each of them has made great strides in improving themselves and the victory symbolizes how far theyve come. But after accomplishing one goal their individual aims are within reach. Chihaya Ayase has her sights set on Wakamiya Shinobu and the title of Queen and now that Taichi Mashima has made it into...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Slice of Life, Sports
Winning the high school team tournament was a great accomplishment for the Mizusawa members. Each of them has made great strides in improving themselves and the victory symbolizes how far theyve come. But after accomplishing one goal their individual aims are within reach. Chihaya Ayase has her sights set on Wakamiya Shinobu and the title of Queen and now that Taichi Mashima has made it into...