Country: Japan
Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi
The paranormal science story follows nine idiosyncratic individuals linked by the Chōjō Kagaku Kirikiri Basara occult summary blog run by 17-year-old second-year high school student Yūta Gamon. Little incongruities that occur around these nine eventually lead to a larger unimaginable event that may alter what is considered common sense in this...
Country: Japan
Genre: Kôsuke Toriumi, Jun'ichi Suwabe, Hiroki Yasumoto, Hitomi Nabatame
A teenager gets involved with a group of sorcerers from World War 2 who unleashed a force beyond their...
Country: United Arab Emirates
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure
A thousand years ago one boy with a dream of becoming a great warrior is abducted with his sister and taken to a land far away from home. Thrown into a world where greed and injustice rule all Bilal finds the courage to raise his voice and make a change. Inspired by true events this is a story of a real hero who earned his remembrance in time and...
Country: United States
Genre: Reality-TV
A reality show that follows singles yearning for a life-long partnership as they agree to a provocative proposal: getting legally married to a stranger the moment they first...
Country: United States
Genre: Fantasy
Talon is the lone survivor of a race called the Blackbloods she sets off to the edge of civilisation to track her familys killers on her journey she discovers her supernatural powers which she must learn to harness to achieve her...
Country: United States
Genre: Reality-TV
Alton Brown narrates this sweet reality show in which talented cake designers are tasked with creating unique and unbelievable cakes for their clients. Viewers are given a behind the...
Genre: Drama
A look at the life of notorious drug kingpin El Chapo from his early days in the 1980s working for the Guadalajara Cartel to his rise to power of during the 90s and his ultimate downfall in...