Country: Japan
Genre: Animation
Shungo is a normal high school student living in a huge house. One day his sister Ryoko send two siblings Mayu and Mikihiro Tsukimura to live with him so as to help Mayu overcome her problem�androphobia by making Mayu and Shungo share the same room and bed and to even take baths together. To make things even worse Reika Hojo the student-council chair somehow ends up becoming their...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure
Golion a powerful sentient robot abuses his great powers by attacking and killing creatures known as Deathblack Beastmen boasting that no one could defeat him. A divine space being punishes Golion for his arrogance and abuse by seperating him into 5 different lion robots. In the year 1999 a group of 5 young men return to Earth after a space voyage only to find it ravaged by nuclear war....
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Historical, Samurai, Seinen, Anime
It was the Sengoku-era when the warlords usurped each other. There was a man whose soul was overtaken by the ways of tea and material greed as he worked his way up toward greater power and status. His name was Sasuke Furuta a subordinate warrior of Nobunaga Oda. With his world broadened by Nobunaga the Genius and his spiritual insight learned from Senno Soueki the Master of Tea Sasuke drove...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Slice of Life
Aoi prefers indoor hobbies and is afraid of heights but her childhood friend Hinata loves to show off her passion for mountain climbing. As young children they once watched the sunrise from the top of a mountain and now theyve decided to take up mountain climbing in hopes of seeing that sunrise again. They have cooking battles with mountaineering gear climb small hills in their neighborhood...
Country: Japan
Genre: Romantic comedy, Supernatural
Ryū Yamada is known as a delinquent in his high school; he has been bored of classes after one year of attending school. One day he accidentally falls from a flight of stairs onto Urara Shiraishi the ace student of the school. Yamada wakes up to find that he has swapped bodies with her. The two try to reverse the change and discover that kissing triggers the body swap. On the suggestion of...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Harem, Mystery, Romance, School, Shounen, Supernatural
When Ryu Yamada entered high school he wanted to turn over a new leaf and lead a productive school life. Thats why he chose to attend Suzaku High where no one would know of his violent delinquent reputation. However much to Ryus dismay he is soon bored; now a second year Ryu has reverted to his old ways—lazy with abysmal grades and always getting into fights.One day back from yet...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Slice of Life
When Yoshinaga Futaba wins the first prize in a lottery the prize turns out to be a stone gargoyle. More surprising yet the gargoyle turns out to be...