Country: South Korea
Genre: Romance, Youth, Drama
Under the overall theme of unrequited love and having a crush on someone unattainable the drama tells stories of various happenings that can arise in such relationships. The stories are told in perspectives from both man and woman as if it were written from an omniscient point-of-view which allows viewers to sympathize with both sides and adds another layer to seemingly ordinary incidents...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Variety
ATHLETIC FAT is the first spin-off series of TASTY GUYS that aims to expand the TASTY GUY Universe. It chronicles the members working out routines that are personalized for them by some renowned trainers. The episode concludes with the members enjoying delicacy after hard training. The program will focus on the very reason of exercise which is not to lose weight but to get healthy and gives...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Music, Documentary
A Collaboration between J-storm and Fuji TV. Cameras work closely with an artist or the staff who creates a concert. It is a program that digs deeper into the theme as a continuous documentary that covers the same theme for a span of 4 weeks. Yamashita Tatsuros RIDE ON TIME has been selected as the theme song for this program. Season one follows King & Prince Hey! Say! JUMP KAT-TUN...
Country: Denmark
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller
A young heroine Miu who travels through Copenhagens criminal...
Country: United Kingdom, United States, Malta, Ireland
Genre: Drama
Antiques expert moves to France suspicious of how her husband died and uses her skills to become a PI aiding the local police and simultaneously bonding with the towns popular taxi...
Country: United States
Genre: Drama
Follows Malika a hip-hop and drill star who is working to create a better life for her and her son in the south side of...
Country: United States
Genre: Documentary, Fantasy, History
Science and mythology - and how they are the same...
Country: N/A
Genre: Reality-TV
Follows eleven chefs who will cook and cohabit with one another as they compete to become the ultimate chefs chef and win...