Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
A tough female police officer who suffers from depression falls in love with a young multimillionaire whom she initially believed was a parking attendant. Instead of counting her lucking stars she is taken aback by how rich he is. Officer Cha Bong-sun is a peculiar woman who defies the rigid social hierarchy and rails against it. And Seo Jae-hee the millionaire boyfriend is a peculiar man who...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
The story revolves around a young woman named Mei who was rescued as a young girl by someone calling himself her butler. With only a vague memory though the experience seems like just a dream. But one day after her parents accidental death he appears: Rihito comes from a line of outstanding butlers and he has been appointed to serve her! Now her ordinary life has completely flipped as...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
The original writing is a short mystery collection that takes a humorous approach to many of the genres cliches. Matsuda stars as the famous detective Tenkaichi Daigoro while Kashii Yu plays the female lead as a rookie...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
Chu Yuxun the lead character of the series is a poor but hardworking and studious girl. One of her biggest dreams is to enter the most prestigious schools in the country Aliston College where only the heirs and heiresses of the richest families can study. With help from her mother and money-loving uncle she is accepted.Murong Yunhai Duanmu Lei Shangguan Ruiqian and Ye Shuo are the four...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
All Men Are Brothers is a Chinese television series adapted from Shi Naians Water Margin one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. The series is directed by Kuk Kwok-leung and features cast members from mainland China Taiwan and Hong Kong. The series was first broadcast on various channels in January 2011 in mainland...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
When this trope is in effect Real Men dont cry no matter what. Not while facing the camera at least. In older anime stolen food or an Armor-Piercing Slap may still evoke Ocular Gushers but tears of sadness would always come from well hidden eyes or as a Sparkling Stream of Tears over a mans turned shoulder or even in a spontaneous downpour of rain. Sometimes its passed off as only sand in...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
The story revolves around three ordinary girls named Asahi Nami and Hinata who are aiming to become idols but they repeatedly fail in their auditions. One day they witness a serious crime and they are forced to flee from the culprits. Fortunately they are saved by a producer who is willing to let them debut but they have to hide their true identities and dress up as boys...