Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Tashiro Keisuke Tanihara Shosuke a reporter for Maichou Shimbun’s regional information desk used to be the ace of the local news desk with a series of scoops but was transferred to this department due to an offending article on a prefectural police’s dealings with bribes. Tashiro intends to come along for the “Famous Waters Special” trip organised by his colleague Kizaki Kaori...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mystery ; Suspense
Detective Kosai Takeo cant forget the killing of an 8 year old girl 15 years ago. The suspect Dojima Akira was the son of a member of the Diet and political pressure hindered further investigations. Shortly before Kosai is to be demoted to the Accounts Division Fujidera Risa comes forward who claims to have been assaulted by Dojima shortly before the other girl went...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
Kaibutsukun Satoshi Ono is the young prince of Kaibutsu monster land who decides to go to Earth to prove to his people that he is worthy of becoming king. Kaibutsukun is accompanied by his friends Dracula Norito Yashima Wolfman Ryuhei Ueshima and Franken Choi Hong-Man. The Prince decides to go to Japan to visit his friends Utako Umika Kawashima and Hiroshi Tatsuomi Hamada. The...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mystery ; Suspense
A woman Takako Tokiwa risks her life to exact revenge for her murdered...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
Set in the Edo period during a time when the divorce rate was actually 2x higher than the present day. A thrift ordinance has been announced by the government and the lives of common people get worse. During this...
Country: Hong Kong
Genre: Drama
Pretty but deadly Jade Leung is a novice policewoman who helps collar a vicious bad guy with the help of a wimpy pimp Jordan Chan. However said bad guy escapes and kills her uncle. Bent on gaining revenge she travels to Mainland China to catch the perp with the reluctant Jordan in tow. In retaliation Jordan spends most of his energy trying to escape his pint-size captor. Stephen Tungs film...