Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Anime
In the 21st century mankind was on the brink of destruction. Through genetic engineering however they eradicated such feelings as love and the desire for power. Since women are naturally less agressive than men women to man ratio was set to 9:1. Now people are engineered to have skills that others view as being necessary. There is a giant ring that now orbits the earth that sits there and...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Mecha, Anime
It takes place in 2005 initially referred to only as the 21st Century two years following an incident where the first identified extraterrestrial intelligence—classified as EI-01—crash-landed on Earth and absorbed a large number of machines into itself before disappearing without a trace. Following this incident the Japanese government created a secret organization to combat...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Mecha, Military science fiction, Anime
Macross Zero is set in 2008 A.D. one year before the events of the original Macross series depicting the final battles of the U.N. Wars[1] between the U.N. Spacy and the Anti-UN forces and is also set in the South Pacific where a gigantic alien spaceship crash landed 9 years earlier. Amidst the violence a U.N. Spacy F-14 KAI pilot named Shin Kudo is attacked by a strange enemy...
Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama
After breaking up with his girlfriend Josh comes to the realization that he is homosexual. With the support of his now ex girlfriend Claire and his best friend and house mate Tom Josh...