Genre: Action, Drama, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Supernatural
A trio of diabolical dragons stirs from eons of slumber deep within the earth. Charging to the surface they launch a bloody rampage against humanity feasting on the weak and gaining strength from their hapless victims souls. It will take the power of ancient god Takegami the Guardian of Darkness to vanquish the evil serpent forces. But alas the mortal body Takegami inhabits belongs to a...
Genre: Demons, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural
Long ago there were fierce gods of legends who shook the earth to its foundation with their power. There are now prehistoric rivals from the primitive times in Japan that fought to protect their secrets in the present day. The God of Darkness Susanoah-oh is now sleeping in the shadows of the underworld waiting for his rebirth. However his coming hasnt gone unoticed. There are agents from the...