Genre: Sci-Fi
In the year 2015 a spaceship the IC-1 travels through outer space looking for a suitable planet to settle on. The commander Captain Ralston is stern and brutal in which one cadet Steven plots a revolt to turn the leadership of the command over to...
Genre: Biography | Comedy | Drama | Music
The compelling and bizarre story of Tchaikovskys life and music. In Ken Russells own words: Its the story of the marriage between a homosexual and a...
Genre: Comedy, Reality-TV
Kasher will invite viewers to log off and bring their online outrage into the studio for a raucous discussion. Per the network Problematic will crawl into the social media muck and put out flame wars and raise provocative questions with the help of experts comedians and the studio...
Genre: Comedy
A middle aged banker picks up two young free minded women on his way to a bankers convention and falls head over heels for one of...
Genre: Comedy
Strange things are happening on this remote island in the Pacific where a Peace Corps volunteer a researcher and his love-starved lady arrive to find that nearby atomic testing has mutated some of the plants. It that werent bad enough a monster terrifies the villagers in its lust for blood. The man-beast must be stopped - but how? With sarongs a-plenty this film was a staple at drive-ins in...
Country: United States
Genre: Game-Show
MTV is giving viewers the chance to conquer their fears head on with a refresh of the break-through series Fear Factor. Ludacris will host the new installment custom-created for a generation that is increasingly empowered while also more anxious than ever. Filled with new stunts inspired by urban legends popular scary movies and viral videos from todays cultural zeitgeist Fear Factor...
Genre: Adventure | Comedy | Romance | War
On a small island in the South Pacific the Navys P.R. department is spending WWII without getting near a ship. Lt. Max Siegal is the Second in command to a clueless Commanding Officer who believes Sea Duty to be the worst punishment he can give one of his men. Siegal has to keep the foreign correspondents happy keep his Commander out of trouble and figure out a way for one of the enlisted...