Genre: Crime, Documentary
Imagine a world where your largely irrational fears of going to the dentist find basis in truth but in ways you never expected. Investigation Discoverys newest series Deadly Dentists tells the true stories of dentists involved in murder giving us reason to acknowledge our fears about sitting in that dreaded chair while sharp metal objects get a little too close for...
Genre: Documentary
Series examining the effects of individual bombs that fell during the Blitz from their initial impact on individual lives right through to their consequences for World War Two and the present...
Country: Canada
Genre: Comedy, Drama
The Indian Detective a classic fish out-of-water story with equal doses of comedy and high-stakes drama follows Toronto cop Doug DMello as he becomes embroiled in a murder case while visiting his father in Mumbai. The investigation leads Doug to uncover a dangerous conspiracy while dealing with his own ambivalence towards a country where despite his heritage he is an...
Country: India
Genre: Comedy, Thriller
The film which has news media as the backdrop traces the relationship between two people and their professional...
Country: India
Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama
Professor Mathew Idikkula who reformed the atmosphere of a college by developing a healthy relationship between teachers and students. The film reflects the goodness of the youth and the impact the students can have. It also takes a round-up on the revenge of the death of founding father of the college by killing his...