Country: Japan
Genre: Slice of Life
The series follows Chitose Karasuma a university student who aims to become a voice actress seiyuu. The stage event listing further indicates that it focuses on the profession of idol...
Country: Japan
Genre: Dub, Mystery, Psychological, Sci-Fi, Supernatural
In an isolated region of Kyushu lies the town of Suiten. Though seeming small and modest Suiten is not a picturesque place for a vacation unless it is from the Unseen World. Taro Makoto and Masayuki three boys with traumatic pasts learn to let their souls cross between the two parallel worlds. However the Unseen World is no mere copy of the real Apparent World. The Unseen World is the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Shoujo
Two Girls. One Dream. And the entire world for a stage. At 13 years old Maya Kitajima seems destined to spend the rest of her life toiling in a crowded restaurant alongside her bitter and unstable mother. But when her incredible acting talent is discovered by the legendary diva Chigusa Tsukikage Maya finds a new future filled with both golden opportunities and terrifying risks. For Ayumi...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Super Power, Supernatural, Dub
Mido Ban and Amano Ginji are known as the Get Backers retrievers with a success rate of 100%. Whatever is lost or stolen they can definitely get it back. Despite their powerful abilities and enthusiastic behavior Ban and Ginji are terminally broke no matter what they do simply because little people would actually desire to hire them. As a result the pair of them tend to do dangerous jobs...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Horror, Mecha, OVA, Psychological, Sci-Fi, Shounen
Dr. Saotome returns from the dead after being seemingly murdered by Getter pilot Nagare Ryoma and threatens the world with his ultimate creation: the Shin Dragon. Ryoma reluctantly teams up with his former co-pilots Jin Hayato and Tomoe Mushashi to combat Dr. Saotome. The pilots must also deal with the mysterious Invaders aliens that have the ability to possess humans and warp their flesh to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Dub, Military, School, Shoujo
You may have heard of kung fu but the girls at Oarai High School practice gun-fu - really really BIG 75mm gun-fu in fact. Its called Sensha-do and its the martial art of operating armored tanks! They take it seriously too and since winning the national Sensha-do championship is such a huge deal at Oarai they sometimes go to extreme ends in order to get the best students from Panzer...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, School, Shoujo Ai, Slice of Life
Hazumu was a shy boy who enjoyed gardening collecting herbs and long walks in the mountains. One day he finally worked up the courage to confess his love to Yasuna but she rejected him. Depressed he wandered up Mt. Kashimayama the place where they first met to reconsider his feelings. After getting lost he wished upon a shooting star and received a bizarre twist of fate. Now he is...
Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, Dub
Small for his age Yukinari has been bullied and abused by girls all his life. Now in high school he has developed a rare condition: whenever girls touch him or even come close he breaks out in hives. Imagine his surprise when he is suddenly transported to the city of Seiren on a mystic world invisibly orbiting the Earth and populated with vast numbers of women and very few men....