The story follows Ryou, a middle school girl who lives by herself. She has a knack for cooking and makes friendships with everyone through her food. The cooking manga is "full of detailed cuisine art to whet the appetite and slightly erotic meal scenes." The "koufuku" in the title is a wordplay on two Japanese homonyms one which means "happiness," and another that means "appetite."Country: United States, United Kingdom
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller
An inspired experimental chemist wakes up in a New Orleans jail accused of arson thats linked to an illegal drug-manufacturing ring. Suffering from amnesia hes unexpectedly released on bail determined to find his missing...
Country: United States
Genre: Sci-Fi, Thriller
A violent alien species the Kluduthu kidnap Aurora and take her to their desert home planet because she holds a secret power which could wipe out all of humanity. But she escapes only...
Country: United States, United Kingdom
Genre: Crime, Mystery
When Carrie Louise Serrocold suspects that someone is trying to poison her she sends for the one person who might be able to help - her old friend Miss...