Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
Set within the fictional city of Mahoro Keisuke Tada Eita & Haruhiko Gyoten Ryuhei Matsuda are two thirty something divorced men who run a “benriya” odd jobs for hire business. The drama series depicts their interactions with clients in their agency which is located across the street from a...
Genre: Documentary
Simon diagnosed with motor neurone disease and given a maximum of two years to live last January had resolved to end his own life rather than endure the ravages of the...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
Set during the Joseon Period. Kook In-Yeob Jung Yoo-Mi is the only child in a noble family. She is famous for her beauyl and stylish appearance. Due to an incident her status falls to the lower class. As she struggles through her misfortune she becomes stronger. Servant Moo-Myeong Oh Ji-Ho is the most attractive servant in Hanyang but he is also a mysterious man who hides his real...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
The story continues in the next school year after the events of the last season. The new members of Rappappa now face a even greater threat from within their own school and the surrounding...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Action, Friendship
Majisuka Gakuen 3 マジスカ学園3 is a AKB48 drama. This drama will be the sequel to their previous drama “Majisuka Gakuen 2”. It will be set in the year 20×× in a privately run juvenile prison called “Prison HOPE” or better known as “Majisuka Prison”. The prison accommodates juvenile delinquents who have been abandoned by society school and even their families and are put...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Action, Comedy, School
This story takes place after the second season. A transfer student came from Kagoshima to female private school Majisuka Gakuen aka Majijo. She is aiming the top but in order to take it she will have to fight against Majijos actual top...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Action - Ecole
Quelques mois ont passé depuis lascension de Sakura vers le sommet du lycée Majijo. Elle est désormais vice-présidente des Rappappa toujours menées par Salt. À part Bakamono les autres Rappappa ont dailleurs toutes redoublé et la vie suit son cours à Majijo.Jusquau jour où Antonio la leader du lycée rival de Gekioko est enlevée par des yakuzas. Trop contente de pouvoir se...