Genre: Documentary
Entertaining documentary looking at when magic tricks...
Genre: Comedy | Crime | Mystery
Radio sleuth Wally the Fox Benton travels to Georgia with his fiance Carol to be married and to help Carols college chum Ellie Mae solve a mystery involving a murdered man old Fort Dixon and buried...
Genre: Drama
Ten-year-old Nori Val Maloku and his father Gezim Astrit Kabashi roam the streets of Kosovo selling cigarettes and barely earning a living. Only a few years after the fall of the Berlin Wall Gezim is lured west to Germany leaving his son behind in search of a new life. Feeling deserted and desperate to claim some sense of stability Nori embarks on a dangerous journey to Germany in search...
Genre: Horror
After losing a memory from an accident a young man tried to find his identity. One day he found something and led him back to his home. The more he knows the more he learns to fear of the secrets of that place called...
Genre: Drama
Fanny is the second part of the Marseille trilogy made by Marcel Pagnol with the generic name of Marius Fanny and César. Fanny falls in love and is abandoned by Marius. Now she discovers she is pregnant. Her mother and Mariuss father César persuade her to accept the romantic advances of a much older man. To save face Fanny accepts to marry Honoré Panisse a rich merchant of the...
Genre: Sport
The NFC champion Atlanta Falcons and the AFC champion New England Patriots play for the National Football League championship at NRG Stadium in Houston...
Genre: Horror
Dullsville a town full of young adults who like nothing more than their social status. Its a town that is driven by college cliques and whos dating who. All of that is about to change! This peaceful town is about to realize that there is more to life than who is the cheerleading captain ...or is there? What starts out as an unexplainable tragedy quickly turns into a unforgettable massacre!...