Country: United State
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
A documentary film crew investigate a series of brutal killings known as the Black Water murders. As they delve deeper into the story they stumble upon a horrifying secret. One they may not...
Country: United State
Genre: Action, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Time is ticking for captain Jackson Elis as he interrogates a mysterious man with ties to an unnamed bioterrorist group holding a team of B.S.A.A. operatives hostage. Foxtrot team is sent in to rescue the hostages through the zombie infested Red Falls. Is there any hope for the B.S.A.A....
Country: United State
Genre: Drama
In order to avoid an X rating 40 minutes of gay S&M footage was rumored to be cut and destroyed from the 1980 film Cruising. Inspired by the mythology of this controversial film filmmakers James Franco and Travis Mathews collaborate to imagine their own lost footage. Amid the backdrop of a frenzied film set actor Val Lauren reluctantly agrees to take the lead in the film. Val is repeatedly...
Country: Romania
Genre: Thriller
Diana comes upset from work next day she goes out to meet a guy to have sex with him. Their relationship is very weird and off-beat and even if they dont like each other so much they want to go into bed with each other. And then their relationship goes so much farther than...
Country: United State
Genre: Documentary, Biography, Sport, War
The Trials of Muhammad Ali covers Alis toughest bout: his battle to overturn a five-year prison sentence for refusing US military service in Vietnam. Prior to becoming the most recognizable face on earth Cassius Clay became Muhammad Ali and found himself in the crosshairs of conflicts concerning race religion and wartime dissent. Trials zeroes in on the most controversial years of Alis...
Country: Israel
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Thriller
A series of brutal murders puts the lives of three men on a collision course: The father of the latest victim now out for revenge a vigilante police detective operating outside the boundaries of law and the main suspect in the killings - a religious studies teacher arrested and released due to a police...
Country: United State
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
The Summer Camp horror trilogy was one of the most popular franchises of the 1980s. However the decade ended and so did director/writer Julian Barretts career. Now Barrett has a plan to resurrect Summer Camp in a modern reboot that entails using a reality show as its template and source of fundraising. Should it succeed Barrett would once again be at the helm. Bringing together an eclectic...
Country: United State
Genre: Animation, Action, Sci-Fi
The Legion of Doom are attempting to use space satellites to freeze the Earths oceans creating more land mass at the coastal regions for which they own. The JLA quickly arrive and the two teams engage in a classic battle of wills. This clash leads to Lex Luthor becoming trapped in a glacier of ice. In the 31st century Legion of Superheroes trainees; Dawnstar and Karate Kid are tasked with...