Country: United States
Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Kate Johnson is a single mother and a successful undercover detective. When her daughter Nina goes to Punta Dia in Belize to help with the local orphanage she is kidnapped by the cartel organization La Muerte Roja. Kate not trusting the local government takes it upon herself to travel to Belize to find her missing daughter. While there Kate meets with Francisco Orizaga an ex-marine who...
Genre: Comedy | Documentary
Lee Hurst star of They Think Its All Over. hits Her Majestys Theatre in London for evening of stand-up comedy. Hurst has the crowd rolling with priceless bits such as the segment on football hooligans as well as the inimitable question and answer session he engages in with the audience. Topped off with a series of anecdotes about parts of They Think Its All Over that he and the rest of the...
Genre: Music
Festivities at Staples Center in Los Angeles honor excellence in the recording industry James Corden hosts; scheduled performers include John Legend Metallica Carrie Underwood Keith Urban Adele and Bruno...
Genre: Action | Crime | Drama
JIN Hyun-pil heads up a multi-level marketing company called One Network Inc. that has an extensive network covering all of Korea. The Intellectual Criminal Investigations Chief KIM Jae-myung is on to Jins company suspecting its deep and widespread connection to CEOs politicians and bureaucrats. Kim catches a break when he tracks down the companys IT architect and brain PARK Jang-gun....
Genre: Animation | Comedy | Family
Horton Hatches the Egg is a ten-minute animated short film based on the book by Dr. Seuss. First released by Warner Bros. in...
Genre: Animation | Family | Short
A tale of two hostile neighboring countries one country is occupied by the Yooks while the other is occupied by the Zooks. Both countries dont agree with each others ideology. Due to this issue they ended up building a wall in between the border of the two opposing cultures. The main reason they hate each other is because both cultures have a different way of buttering their bread. The Yooks...