Genre: Animation | Family | Short
The Cat in the Hat the most famous Dr. Seuss character narrates a story about a girl named Mayzie McGrew who mysteriously has a daisy growing from her head! This happens during the school hours so shes ridiculed by her friends and speculated by her teacher principal parents and any other adults confirmed of Mayzies problem. The situation reaches its high point when Finagle steps in and...
Genre: Documentary
Coverage of some of the worlds most outrageous races stunts and...
Genre: Comedy | Musical | Romance
Russ Raymond Americas number one crooner disappears and joins the Navy under the name Tommy Halstead. Dorothy Roberts a magazine journalist is intent on finding out what happened to Russ and she tries everything she can to get a picture of him to prove hes Russ Raymond. Tommys friends Pomeroy Watson and Smokey Adamshelp him while Pomeroy writes love letters to Patty Andrews. But because...
Genre: Western
Couple of strangers arrive in a small town each one after a different...
Genre: Animation | Crime | Horror
An ordinary office worker has a secret occupation...for he is the Judge of the Dead and will see that peoples sins will not go...
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama
In 1961 Chas and Leroy two fun-loving military serviceman who had enough of the service leave Panama as stowaways in a military cargo plane flying for the States. Leroy is not satisfied with compensation for his army days so he smuggles with him one box of military supplies which he plans to sell in the USA. He tries out a military camera on some military base they fly over and throws away...
Genre: Drama, War
AMIGO the 17th feature film from Academy Award-nominated writer-director John Sayles stars legendary Filipino actor Joel Torre as Rafael a village mayor caught in the murderous crossfire of the Philippine-American War. When U.S. troops occupy his village Rafael comes under pressure from a tough-as-nails officer Chris Cooper to help the Americans in their hunt for Filipino guerilla fighters....
Genre: Adventure
There is a legend about a great bell called The Mother of Voices made of pure gold three times the size of a man made by monks many years ago... This is the story told in the marketplace by a Viking called Rolfe. This information finds its way to the Islamic ruler Aly Manush who is obsessed with finding the bell. But Rolfe claims not to know where the bell is and escapes back to his...