Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Romance
In the near future when technology has significantly advanced a famous AI TV fortune teller seemingly foresees high school student Asahi Kashiwagis day with pinpoint accuracy. On his way to school he encounters Aoi Izumisawa Bai Mongfa Karin Istel Amelia Irving and Ilya Ilyukhin. Despite meeting them for the first time Asahi suddenly receives love confessions from all of them at the end...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
After her parents are killed by bandits young Sarasa Feed is sent to an orphanage where she learns about the prestigious world of alchemy. Determined to follow in her late parents footsteps and become an independent business owner she enrolls at the Royal Alchemist Academy to train and get certified as an official alchemist.Five years later Sarasa graduates from the institution and nearly...
Country: Japan
Genre: Sci-Fi
Suletta Mercury leaves her planet and enters the Asticassia School of Technology at the behest of her mother. There right and wrong are determined through duels between students and the top-ranking duelist will receive Miorine Rembran as their fiancée—this prize being decided by Miorines father.When Guel Jeturk the best pilot in school and Miorines current fiancé demands that his...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Thanks to Professor Yuuko Kouzukis technology and Kasumi Yashiros psychic powers Cadet Takeru Shirogane travels back to his original world. With no time to lose Takeru aims to enlist Yuukos help in his world to complete the Alternative IV project—the last hope humanity has against the BETA an alien species invading the planet. As the anti-BETA project nears completion Takeru and other...
Country: Japan
Genre: Sci-Fi
The beginning of the Meiji era spelled the end of the tanukis tricks. These raccoon dogs who are able to transform into human beings used to love fooling humans until advanced technology rendered their endeavors futile. However Mameda a young tanuki girl has not given up on this tradition and—resolved to follow in her fathers footsteps—travels to Osaka in hopes of duping people.As...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy
The charming incarnations of the seven deadly sins—brothers Lucifer Mammon Leviathan Satan Asmodeus Beelzebub and Belphegor—can never seem to keep out of mischief. They are demons feared across the Devildom but at the Royal Academy of Diavolo one human transfer student has captured their collective hearts. Whenever the brothers miss them they engage in ridiculous antics to keep...