Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Tokuzo Akiyama Takeru Satoh is a young man living in a rural area. One day he eats cutlet. That experience leads him to become a cook for western style food. He first goes to Tokyo and then Paris France...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Crime
Takashi Hiyama Keisuke Koide works as a cafe manager. He has lived alone with his 4-year-old daughter since the death of his wife Shoko Izumi Fujimoto. Shoko was killed by three 13-year-old boys 4 years ago. The three boys were protected by the Juvenile Act but Takashi and Shokos mother Mayumi Wakamura were hounded by the media and their lives exposed. Now even though Shokos friend...
Country: Japan
Genre: Family, Business
Mizuki plays a 35-year-old woman named Kurumi who suddenly loses everything in her life when her fiance runs off with all of her assets. Left with a mere 15000 yen and some boxes of ohagi a type of rice ball the despairing Kurumi happens upon a construction site and she begins handing out the ohagi to the men working there. Using the theme of food Tenshi no Wakemae depicts Kurumis...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
“Angelic” rookie police officer Makita Hikari can only believe people. She was assigned to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s First Investigative Division as part of a test case of the government’s policy for the social advancement of women. However she kept making mistakes and could not achieve results because of her innocence and was placed in the unimportant Unsolved Cases...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
Kitano plays a professional cleaner who solves cases and cleans hearts at the office building she works...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
The main characters of Searchin for My Polestar are 7 friends that met at college while in the astronomic observation club Sagittarius. Being in the club was just an excuse for them to go to the beach in summer and skiing in winter. Actually the only time they ever observed any stars was at summer camp during their senior year. Dreaming of a bright future the seven exchange vows for...
Country: Japan
Genre: Family
Kagura Akane Horikita Maki is the only daughter of a family who runs a teppanyaki place in downtown Tokyo. Akane had always been proud of her father Tetsuma who was called the No.1 teppanyaki chef in Japan. Growing up in such an environment she naturally acquired teppanyaki skills. However when her mother died of illness her father lost his energy to work and disappeared. Since then...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
This drama shows how devastating and hurtful it can be for a woman to live with a boyfriend before marriage and not end up tying a knot with him. Korea has the second highest divorce rate in the world as more and more families become ruined -- mainly because one of the spouses cheats. To make things worse the mass media continues to champion premarital cohabitation as a choice that unmarried...