Country: United States
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
An astronaut named Gary and his planet-destroying sidekick called Mooncake embark on serialized journeys through space in order to unlock the mystery of where the universe actually ends and if it actually does...
The Ghost Brothers Dalen Spratt Juwan Mass and Marcus Harvey are the dopest brothers on television hunting ghosts. These candid and unorthodox paranormal investigators explore disturbed...
Country: United States
Genre: Drama
Anthology television series based on Steven Soderberghs The Girlfriend...
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Comedy, Horror
Dr. Stephanie Lyell works for Neurological Research and is testing a seemingly safe personality-altering drug on Marc Gilmour a notorious Serial Killer. But when a pair of bizarre...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, School, Shoujo
Kinoshita Mairu has a cute name and shes apologetic for it because shes ugly. In fact shes apologetic for her very existence because shes not cute. Classmates call her Poison Mushroom behind her back and even her own brother treats her with disdain. However all of that is about to change with the help of her transvestite mentor/neighbor Fuwari-chan and the school king Kumada...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Harem, Ecchi, Fantasy
Despite his noble title Noir Starga is at the bottom of the social hierarchy. Because of this his fellow nobles oppress him and treat him like garbage. However he possesses a rare yet powerful ability to communicate with the Great Sage an oracle who grants Noir the answer to absolutely anything.After failing to secure a job as a librarian Noir decides to join the Hero Academy. He knows he...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Harem, Ecchi, Fantasy
Despite his noble title Noir Starga is at the bottom of the social hierarchy. Because of this his fellow nobles oppress him and treat him like garbage. However he possesses a rare yet powerful ability to communicate with the Great Sage an oracle who grants Noir the answer to absolutely anything.After failing to secure a job as a librarian Noir decides to join the Hero Academy. He knows he...
Country: Japan
Genre: Harem, Comedy, Romance, School, Shounen
Finally an anime that is relatable to all us normal lads as a complete genius good looking nerd with no friends in school I would have five beautiful girls falling all over me all the time why wouldnt they just leave me alone so i could study even though I score 100% on every test? Kapp5 girls 3 ones that arent complete assholes 2 with likeable personality traits and a protagonist with no...