Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Kumagai Mirai Moriyama is an art teacher at a private female high school. Sakai Bunchin Katsura the schools chairman of the board runs the school like the school is his own property and pays Kumagi a low salary. Then Music Teacher Naoko Mitsuki Takahata and P.E. Teacher Oyamada Hiroyuki Onoue asks Kumagi to join them in a scheme to blackmail Sakai. Unexpectedly Sakai and his...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
Himawari is an unsuccessful 39-year-old enka singer who has bad luck with men and money. Born into an Osaka takoyaki shop the young Himawari was inspired by her fathers words to immerse herself in enka. At the age of 13 her father disappears and her mother bitter over the husband that left her remarries--but Himawari has trouble adjusting to a new father and brother. With her fathers words...
Country: China
Genre: Fantasy
The story begins with the Goddess Nuwa subduing and imprisoning an evil Centipede spirit. The Chalice fairy tasked to guard the centipede spirit however was careless the centipede spirit escaped. As punishment the Chalice spirit was banished to the mortal realm where she will have to grant three wishes to any mortal who puts water into her chalice for a thousand...
Country: Japan
Genre: Crime
Date Kazuyoshi Sakai is a detective on the Kanagawa prefectural police force. During the day he is known as a Buddha for his gentle personality pouring all of his energy into resolving each case. At night however he transforms into a cruel punisher as his gentleness gives way to his anger towards the criminals. The series poses questions about what justice and evil truly...
Country: South Korea
Genre: melodrama
In the time of enlightenment a battle between a sword and a gun has started.Based in the time of enlightenment of 17th-century Joseon This drama tells the story of Joseons last swordsman named Park Yoon Kang who grabs a gun ditching his sword and grows to become the eras hero. Park Yoon Kang is the illegitimate son of the best swordsman in Joseon. After his father and sister get killed he...
Country: United States
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy
When Perus Biggest Action Film Star and Jordans newest rising talent find themselves pursued by a notorious Bookie a couple of private investigators are forced to choose between their job and their...