Country: Japan
Genre: Mecha, Sci-fi, Anime
The anime uses two pieces of theme song. Unsteady is the series opening theme while Lost in You is the series ending theme. Both are sung by Megumi...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Slice of Life, Romance
Judy Abbott is an orphan who has been given the opportunity to study at the prestigious Lincoln Memorial High School by a mysterious benefactor whom she only knows as John Smith. She has only seen his shadow once and because of his long legs she calls him Daddy Long Legs. The only payment she is to give her benefactor is that she write him letters every month with no expectation of them...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mecha, Anime
Teppei Tepp Takamiya is the caretaker of a farm located in Kamui Island north of Japan. His older brother Kotarō Takamiya leaves to study robotics in Germany and becomes one of the most brilliant scientists in the world.Five years later the two brothers reunite at a robotics convention in Mechatopia China where Kotarō is to announce his latest breakthrough in artificial...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Anime
B.B.B. Bottom Biting Bug his family who have just opened a Bitery and friends mostly other bottom biting bugs encounter daily situations in which bottoms are...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Anime
B.B.B. Bottom Biting Bug his family who have just opened a Bitery and friends mostly other bottom biting bugs encounter daily situations in which bottoms are...
Country: Japan
Genre: Basketball, Anime
Buzzer Beater is Inoues second manga to focus on basketball following his very successful second manga series Slam Dunk. The name of the manga comes from the term used for when a basket is scored at the same moment a period or the game itself ends. The story revolves around a basketball team from Earth assembled to participate in an intergalactic basketball competition. The web comic...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Supernatural, Romance, Drama, Anime
Mikan Sakura grew up with her grandfather on the countryside of Japan. When her best friend Hotaru transfers to a prestigious school in Tokyo Mikan follows her. The school is actually an elite Academy for gifted people with Alices an ability that is unique depending on the individual being. Once Mikan arrives at the gates of the school she encounters an Alice teacher named Narumi gets...