Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Fantasy
For centuries the Demon Slayer Corps has sacredly kept the location of Swordsmith Village a secret. As the village of the greatest forgers it provides Demon Slayers with the finest weapons which allow them to fight night-crawling fiends and ensure the safety of humans. After his sword was chipped and deemed useless Tanjirou Kamado along with his precious little sister Nezuko is escorted to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Sci-Fi, Suspense
The anime series is set in the future when humanity migrated to the Moon due to Earths climate change. It will incorporate original elements unique to the anime such as human drama about survival and will feature a diverse field that blurs countries and eras such as Shibuya the Edo-period era and...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Suspense
Tetsuo Tosu never expected his daughter Reika to be a victim of domestic violence. Suspecting that her yakuza boyfriend Nobuto Matori is the perpetrator Tetsuo decides to investigate him and his associates. But as he searches for evidence at Reikas apartment the father learns that his daughter is not the first victim and that a worse fate awaits her.When he is discovered by Nobuto Tetsuo...
Country: Japan
Tetsuo Tosu never expected his daughter Reika to be a victim of domestic violence. Suspecting that her yakuza boyfriend Nobuto Matori is the perpetrator Tetsuo decides to investigate him and his associates. But as he searches for evidence at Reikas apartment the father learns that his daughter is not the first victim and that a worse fate awaits her.When he is discovered by Nobuto Tetsuo...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Touya Mochizuki grows accustomed to his new life in another world. Armed with his trusty smartphone the teenager accepts small quests at his leisure while spending time with his new fiancées: Yumina Urnea Belfast Yae Kokonoe and twin sisters Linse and Elze Shileska. But even in a relaxing environment Touya is only beginning to understand the responsibilities that come with these...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Touya Mochizuki grows accustomed to his new life in another world. Armed with his trusty smartphone the teenager accepts small quests at his leisure while spending time with his new fiancées: Yumina Urnea Belfast Yae Kokonoe and twin sisters Linse and Elze Shileska. But even in a relaxing environment Touya is only beginning to understand the responsibilities that come with these...
Country: United States
Genre: Comedy, Romance
A woman finds romance with a handsome local when she returns home to help her father with the family...