Country: United States
Genre: Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Two mysterious orphan children have extraordinary powers and are chased by a scheming millionaire. But where do these kids really call...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Shounen Anime, Sports Anime
Teppei brought up by his father in the mountains is an energetic boy who is as tough as weeds and acts as free as a bird. His life changes completely when he enrolls in high school the first school he has ever attended. Despite his eccentric behavior and being a constant source of troubles he is soon recognized for his talent in sports—especially in Kendo the Japanese swordplay art—and...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Shoujo
With his muscular build and tall stature Takeo Gouda is not exactly your average high school freshman. However behind his intimidating appearance hides a heart of gold and he is considered a hero by the boys for his courage and chivalry. Unfortunately these traits do not help much with his love life. As if his looks are not enough to scare the opposite sex away Takeos cool and handsome best...
Country: Hong Kong, Philippines
Genre: Action
Three women captured and imprisoned by a gang of white slavers lead a bloody rebellion aided by a detective investigating the...
Country: China
Genre: Drama
Ye Su Jiang Chao decoration Zhang idle 蒋雪鸣 Huang Dazhong Ha Wang to love and dreams decided to stay in the big city after graduation to work hard they believe that by virtue of their education and intelligence will break a world began a resume interview denied and then resume and then interviews ...... life. The reality is cruel helpless although found a job but not...
Country: Other Asia
Genre: Horror
Korn was hit at the head during a robbery when he wake up he lost his memory over what had happen before. Now he has to write down everything before he forgets them. However Korn always feels that there is something happened to someone during the robbery and he has to find out before its too late. Time passes and Korn is still unable to recall who is that someone. One day Korn was told...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Crime
When a naïve young man and his lazy best friend attempt to rob a bank they find another robber has beaten them to the punch. After the original robber and the best friend are killed the young man serendipitously gets the 80 million...
Genre: Documentary
The worlds largest car ferry battles the elements while crossing the Irish...