Genre: Crime, Documentary, Drama, Mystery
is a 6-episode true crime mini-series that takes viewers deeper inside the world of forensic crime solving than ever before. Detectives reveal the most enduring cases of their careers and uncover the incredible advances in forensics that helped to finally solve...
Country: United States
Genre: Action, Fantasy
Patrick Stewart voices Drago the magnificent dragon who became bonded with King Gareth. When the king dies his potential heirs twin grandchildren who possess the dragons unique strengths use their inherited powers against each other to vie for the throne. When Dragos source of power - known as the Heartfire - is stolen more than the throne is at stake; the siblings must end their rivalry...
Genre: Action | Comedy
The story of a woman who dreams to join an intervention group in the police department called RAID. Unfortunately she is rather clumsy and both her family and soon to be family-in-law and a veteran of the RAID do not approve. However Johanna is determined to prove them...