Country: Japan
Genre: Horror
A young reporter is covering the mysterious case of a child found dead with missing internal organs. Suspecting a case of organ trafficking he visits the doctor who was responsible for the autopsy; and finds that the organs were...
Country: United States
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Three college students try to create a device capable of reaching beyond the boundaries of the known universe. Unfortunately for them they...
Country: United States, South Korea
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Romance
Daria Jane and the rest of the Lawndale High seniors face graduation and college in this series finale TV-movie from MTVs...
Country: Japan
Genre: Boys Love, Comedy, Supernatural
Office worker Kiyoshi Adachi has gone 30 years of life without ever having his cherry popped. Due to this profound accomplishment he becomes a wizard with the ability to read minds through physical contact. However he thinks his newly attained skill is hopelessly lame and has caused him to dislike crowded places. On the way to his work Adachi runs into his attractive and well-liked...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
In a world where humans coexist with androids called Neans a group known as the Immortal Nine rises up against society. Tasked with disposing of the revolters a Nean named Rouge Redstar aka Metal Rouge and investigator Naomi Orthmann head to Mars to track them down…but first Rouge wants some...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
In a world where humans coexist with androids called Neans a group known as the Immortal Nine rises up against society. Tasked with disposing of the revolters a Nean named Rouge Redstar aka Metal Rouge and investigator Naomi Orthmann head to Mars to track them down…but first Rouge wants some...