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Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
WAKFU is a heroic fantasy animated series. The series follows the quest of an orphan Yugo who sets out to discover his origins. Accompanied by a team of characters both brave and comedic he must face powerful enemies during his journey and he will be at the heart of a plot which the fate of the World of Twelve depends...
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Western
One night on a lonely highway a speeding car tosses a satchel of money meant for somebody else into Jane and Alan Palmers back seat. Alan wants to turn it over to the police but Jane with luxury within her reach persuades him to hang onto it for a while. Soon the Palmers are traced by one Danny Fuller a sleazy character who claims the money is his. To hang onto it Jane will need all...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
The adventures of Yugo and the Brotherhood of Tofu continue with this follow up to season 1. This season introduces new enemies and allies along with Yugo attaining skills to add to his natural gifts of...
Country: Japan
Genre: comedy, science fiction
The story is about a pop idol band named Mix Juice that need any kind of gig to make their name famous. At the same time a young boy genius plans on taking a trip to the moon without using fossil fuels to pollute Earths atmosphere. Thanks to some clever managing the girls of Mix Juice and the scientist plan on making their first concert on the moon by any means...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Cars, Seinen, Sports
Based on a seinen manga by Kusunoki Michiharu serialised in Young Magazine. The story gets its roots from the actual street racing that occurs on Tokyos Shuto Expressway one stretch of which is known as the Wangan literally meaning bay side although it is generally used to refer to the freeway the longest straightest road in the entire country. Of course theres also lots of traffic...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, School, Shounen, Slice of Life
15-year-old Tomoko Kuroki is a budding hikikomori—a shut-in who spends her time playing dating sims and watching anime. But even a lifetime of experience wooing virtual boys cant prepare her for the greatest challenge of all: high school.Everyday life is a terrifying journey for Tomoko fraught with hidden judgments and secret surprises. Her anxiety makes social interaction nigh impossible...