Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
Jin-Hee Song Ji-Hyo led a satisfying life as a dietitian. She then met medical school student Chang-Min Choi Jin-Hyuk. Despite his wealthy familys strong opposition Jin-Hee and Chang-Min decided to get married. Chang-Mins family is full of doctors. Chang-Min though gave up his medical internship and began working as a pharmaceutical salesman. Their marriage life was not happy. Chang-Mins...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
Despite their intellectual differences Kotoko Aihara Honoka Miki and Naoki Irie Yuki Furukawa are now happily ensconced in love and marriage. Kotoko - still adorably scatterbrained - struggles in her nursing school studies while smarty-pants Naoki breezes through medical school. But under the newfound pressure of married life and adulthood can these newlyweds keep the magic alive well...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
Faith depicts the love between a warrior from the Goryeo Period and a female doctor from the present day their love transcending time and space. ...... King Gongmin Ryu Deok-Hwan who was held as a hostage in Yuan China for an extended period of time becomes the King of Goryeo Korea. He married Princess Nogoog Park Se-Young who is the Princess of Yuan. Choi Young Lee Min-Ho and...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
7 siblings all of whom are orphans and not blood-related love each other more than real siblings. They go through many hardships together. Challenges then wait in the seafood...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
Cha Hong-Do Choi Gang-Hee suffers from social phobia and has a problem with severe blushing. She does have a strong sense of curiosity and learns from books and the internet. One day Cha Hong-Dos grandmother dies. Her grandmother was her only contact to the outside world. Cha Hong-Do then begins doing housework as a maid but disguises herself as an elderly woman. Through an incident she...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
The drama is an investigative police thriller and invents a new police department. They’ll hunt down criminals and investigate crimes while undercover and members will include a late-twenties male senior police officer an early-forties male chief superintendent and a twenty-something female senior...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
A story about the life of a mother and two daughters; a real daughter and an adopted daughter whose fates are twisted and lives change due to the real daughter and the adopted daughter have been swapped cause intense conflicts within the...