Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy
TV anime adaptation based on the undead idol character Francesca to promote Hokkaido...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Mecha, Military, Shounen, Space
In the Year FC 60 much of mankind inhabits space colonies which orbit the Earth. Dominance over the colonies is decided once every four years by a large tournament in which each nation sends a single representative to fight the others with a giant robot called a Gundam. Domon Kashuu is selected to represent Neo-Japan in one of these tournaments but he fights less to ensure his nation’s...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
G.I. Joe is the code name for Americas highly-trained special missions force. Its purpose: to defend human freedom against Cobra a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Animation
The battle between America’s elite military force against the ruthless and power hungry terrorist organization COBRA enters a new chapter. A new covert team of Joes SIGMA 6 has been created to hunt down COBRA and stop each and every one of their insidious plots for world domination. Genres: action adventure comedy science fiction Themes:...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Seinen, Supernatural
In the story Gaimetal a metal ore with high amounts of pure energy was discovered 50000 meters 160000 feet underground in 2047 and mining began all around the world. However Gaist metallic lifeforms whose bodies are entirely encrusted with Gaimetal emerged in 2055 and began attacking people. In 2064 Rekka Hayato Kurama and Siren are among those who suit up in Gaist Gear and battle...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mecha, Police, Psychological, Sci-Fi
TV series for Ghost in the Shell:...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, School
In a fictional school “Tender Tank” Rareko is constantly opening absurd yet strangely enthusiastic debates this way creating a lively classroom life. Bringing up tremendous themes she and her classmates exchange words like sword-strokes and here and there even a profound remark is slipped in. A fun and informative debate comedy packed into only five minutes each...
Country: Japan
Genre: Demons, Historical, Supernatural
Plot Summary: Feudal Japan is attacked by beasts called ‘Youi’. Ryuudou Yukiatsu a ‘floater’ and an employee at a bath house has the power of Ayagami “The power to find the words behind things” which can be used in fighting against the Youi. That’s why the members of a Youi-fighting group Bansha Aratamesho called the Ayashi are looking for Yukiatsu – they want him to become...