Country: Japan
Genre: Fantasy Anime, Magic Anime, Shoujo Anime
Once upon a time there was a kingdom of fairy tales called Märchenland where many fairy tale characters live together in joy. Suddenly the evil emperor Pierrot made an invasion on Märchenland sealing its Queen in the process. To revive the Queen the symbol of happiness called Cure Decor the Queens scattered power of light of happiness is required. To collect the Cure Decor a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Military Anime, Music Anime, Sci-Fi Anime
In a lonely corner of the world on the edge of No Man’s Land sits Clocktower Fortress. It’s home to the 1121st Platoon of the Helvetian Army and their newest member is a 15-year-old volunteer named Kanata Sorami who enlisted to learn how to play the bugle. When she was a child Kanata was saved by a beautiful soldier and found inspiration in the clear golden sound of her trumpet. From...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Super Power Anime, Dub Anime
In a future-based disaster-ridden city with an enormous gap between the rich and the poor it is hard to tell which humans are walking around with cybernetic body parts. This makes Roy Revants job as a renegade bounty hunter/bodyguard-for-hire even more difficult. When a young girl with unbeliveable strength rescues him from a particularly dangerous criminal Roy realizes that perhaps help can...
Country: Japan
Genre: Music Anime, Slice Of Life Anime
When Sonico wakes up every morning she sees big things on the horizon but when she gets up gravity takes hold and she can focus on what is directly ahead of her for the day. And that is a good thing because Sonico is more than just an attractive girl with a really huge set of... er... headphones. She is also an incredibly busy young woman who somehow juggles modelling and working at her...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure Anime, Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Kids Anime, Mecha Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Shounen Anime
Back on Sonics home planet Eggman has collected all 7 of the Chaos Emeralds and is about to have absolute power when Sonic interferes causing an explosion that sends everyone from their world to Earth. Sonic and his friends team up with 12 year old Christopher Thorndyke to collect all the Chaos Emeralds and defeat the evil Dr....
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, ONA Anime, Romance Anime, School Anime, Shoujo Ai Anime
Short picture episodes with Risa and Miya from Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke wo visual novel...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Ecchi Anime, Harem Anime, Romance Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Shounen Anime, Supernatural Anime
Sakurai Tomoki has been having the same strange dream since he was a child and would wake up in tears. Sugata an upperclassman at his school believes the dream to be of the new continent. Later that night while waiting under the cherry trees for Sugata and his childhood friend an angel called Ikaros comes flying down and his peaceful life changes from then...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Ecchi Anime, Harem Anime, Romance Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Shounen Anime, Supernatural Anime
Sakurai Tomoki has settled into his life with the two angeloids Ikaros and Nymph and is enjoying himself immensely. However he keeps having weird dreams and asks all of his friends to help him investigate the cause. Nymph conjures up a device that enables people but not angeloids to enter other peoples dreams. The device malfunctions at first but eventually they get to what was supposed...