Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Crime
Train Heartnet is a famous assassin known as Black Cat. He works for Chronos an organization that secretly controls the world. However he begins to question the morality of his actions...
Country: United States
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
A man returns to his small hometown after learning that his mother has fallen ill and is about to undergo...
Genre: Action, Dub, Sci-Fi
The story is set in a fictional Germany and centers around the outbreak of biomechanical creatures named Demoniacs who rise from corpses and attack people mindlessly. The Demoniacs have the ability to merge with most technology including cars and motorcycles not only gaining control of them but also enhancing their performance greatly. Against them is a group of people known as XAT...
Country: Canada
Genre: Romance
Firefighter Jenny falls in love with local star Tom but his ex-wife and celebrity figure skating Mary is asking him to choose between reconciling or going through an ugly custody battle....
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
The story is set in a fictional Germany and centers around the outbreak of biomechanical creatures named Demoniacs who rise from corpses and attack people mindlessly. The Demoniacs have the ability to merge with most technology including cars and motorcycles not only gaining control of them but also enhancing their performance greatly. Against them is a group of people known as XAT...