Country: U.S. Manga Corps
Genre: Comedy, Anime
The plot revolves around a girl called Mikiko Kuromi Oguro who grows up watching the fictional anime Luis Monde III. She decides that animation is something she wants to do and so enrolls in animation school. When she gets out of school she is delighted to find a job at a small animation studio named Studio Petit. The director of the studio shows her around and gives her the nickname...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Magic, Anime
Angelique......started as a dating simulation game for girls back in 1994 on the Super Famicom. The player took on the role of Angelique Limoges an ordinary schoolgirl summoned to the Sanctuary of the Queen of the Cosmos. She had been chosen to compete in a contest to determine the next Queen. Angelique was clumsy and foolish in comparison to her rival Rosalia de Cartagena a refined girl who...
Country: United States
Genre: Drama
Each of the women portray one of the characters represented in the collection of twenty poems revealing different issues that impact women in general and women of color in...
Country: Japan
Genre: Historical Drama ,Anime
The animated series is loosely derived from the book and introduces new material and characters. The series begins with the introduction of the March family happily living in Gettysburg the nearby town of York in the English version until one day during a picnic Mr. March notices Confederate scouts at a riverbank. As an officer of the Union Army on leave with a broken arm Mr. March...
Country: United States
Genre: Drama
Now out of prison but still disgraced by his peers Gordon Gekko works his future son-in-law an idealistic stock broker when he sees an opportunity to take down a Wall Street enemy and rebuild his...