Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Special
Special included in the second of two remastered Gundam Wing Blu-ray boxes based on the novel series Gundam Wing Frozen...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Mecha, OVA, Shounen
Lamune has returned to Earth with no memory of his adventures on Hara-Hara world and Doki-Doki space. The remains of Gobuhriki find their way to Earth and awaken the spirit of Don Harumage. While Cocoa builds a fighting vehicle with stuff she finds around Tokyo Milk and Leska set off to find Lamune and Da Cider to save the day before the new Gobuhriki is revived and destroys the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, OVA, School, Slice of Life
While the title suggests a story of simple everyday school life the contents are more the opposite. The setting is a strange school where you may see the principal wrestle a deer or a robots arm hide a rollcake. However there are still normal stories like making a card castle or taking a test you didnt study...
Country: Japan
Genre: Movie, Psychological
Four workers wait out the night around a campfire. Three of them are talking about different things when they start hearing strange noises. Their discussion wakes up a sleeping companion who promptly goes back to sleep only to start having...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Dub, Fantasy, Historical, Movie, Mystery
Based on a short story by the popular children`s writer Kenji Miyazawa Galactic Railroad offers viewers a slow-paced dreamlike journey through space and time. When Giovanni a lonely boy in a hill town goes to get milk for his ailing mother he finds himself crossing the Milky Way on a faster-than-light steam railroad. The stations he visits in various constellations like the planets explored...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Movie, Mystery
Based on a short story by the popular children`s writer Kenji Miyazawa Galactic Railroad offers viewers a slow-paced dreamlike journey through space and time. When Giovanni a lonely boy in a hill town goes to get milk for his ailing mother he finds himself crossing the Milky Way on a faster-than-light steam railroad. The stations he visits in various constellations like the planets explored...
Country: Japan
The official website for Japan Animators Exhibition Japan Animator Expo the project of weekly anime shorts from Hideaki Annos Studio Khara and the media company Dwango announced on Tuesday that the shorts will have a limited two-week engagement in 10 theaters throughout Japan. The screeenings will begin on July 25 at Tokyos Shinjuku Wald 9 and other locations. The screenings will...