The anime adaptation revolves around a young boy named Faiya Orega who loves Oreca competitions. One day, he is granted the power to summon real Oreca monsters due to the mysterious powers of the treasure chest Pandora. To protect the peace of the Oreca world, Faiya must fight the demon king who threatens the land.Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
After the sudden departure of a valuable friend the future of Team Blackout is now uncertain. Yu-yu Kondou and Megumi Ookura feel frustrated for failing to prevent the inevitable while the heavily involved Touya Ebata is trying his best to atone for past mistakes that led to this misfortune. But whatever they decide to do next the members of Team Blackout know that they will always find their...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
After the sudden departure of a valuable friend the future of Team Blackout is now uncertain. Yu-yu Kondou and Megumi Ookura feel frustrated for failing to prevent the inevitable while the heavily involved Touya Ebata is trying his best to atone for past mistakes that led to this misfortune. But whatever they decide to do next the members of Team Blackout know that they will always find their...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
At birth mages randomly acquire one of the four crests that represents the extent of their magical capability. Equipped with a crest specializing in creation a man named Gaius reached the ceiling of his potential becoming known as the worlds strongest sage. Despite his overwhelming power he is unsatisfied with his abilities and desires to possess the mark suitable for close combat. Knowing...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life
As summer break comes to an end Nishikata is stoked to try out his newest pranks and finally outdo his classmate Takagi once and for all. Despite his losing streak he is slowly getting to know the unrelenting workings of her crafty mind. However he soon realizes that Takagis motivations behind her teasing may not be what he initially assumed. One thing is certain though: each fun-filled day...
Country: Japan
Genre: Slice of Life, Sports
Since childhood Hiyori Yamakawa has witnessed her fathers various eccentricities but one activity she has always loved doing with him is fly fishing—a complicated yet rewarding method of catching fish. Even after his sudden death Hiyori still visits the seaside in her spare time savoring the joy that her fathers memento brings her.Three years later Hiyoris mother decides to remarry and...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure
After he witnesses his fathers murder at the family dojo Hazuki Ryou dedicates his life to finding the man responsible—a mission that takes him from the streets of Yokosuka Japan to the sprawling metropolis of Hong Kong and beyond. Soon he will learn that larger mystical forces are at play as he trains to become the ultimate martial artist in his quest for...
Country: Japan
Genre: Sports, Work Life
The world of corporate badminton is not as easy as it seems. Although considered a former child prodigy Mikoto Shiratori has not been living up to his potential as a badminton player for Mitsuhoshi Bank. Due to a past incident Mikoto tries to transition from playing doubles to singles; nevertheless he fails to produce positive results much to his employers dismay.After being fired from the...