Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Historical, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, Anime
Hi no Tori is a collection of stories that all have something in common. The Phoenix whose blood is believed to give an eternal life to one who drinks it. Therefore many seek to kill it but as the Phoenix of the tale its reborn from the ashes. Stories take place in future and the past where humans fight with each other as always and everyone is afraid to die. But still every story teaches...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Romance, School, Sports, Anime
Kishimoto Kasumi a 15-year-old girl was supposed to live at her aunties house in order to go to high school since April. However when she moved to the house she was surprised with the fact that there were already four new male students living in the same house. To make the matter worse that day while she was taking a bath Takasugi Yusaku one of those boys came into the bath and saw her...
Genre: Animation, Japanese
Sakurai Tomoki has been having the same strange dream since he was a child and would wake up in tears. Sugata an upperclassmen at his school believes the dream to be of the new continent. Later that night while waiting under the cherry trees for Sugata and his childhood friend Sohara an angel comes flying down and his peaceful life changes from then...