Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
Two men with the same name work for the same company and are involved with the same girl. One is her husband and the other is her superior. Best Partner focuses on the life of Japans corporate 30-somethings and the rivalry for success that encompasses their lives. Unbeknownst to each other Suzuki Ichiro and Suzuki Ichiro both work for the same publishing firm in Tokyo. The only difference in...
Country: Japan
Genre: Romance
Kyoichi Suzuki is an average college student in his junior year. Although hes not in one of the top universities hes satisfied with his college life studying architecture. Kyoichi left home and is finally on his own living in a beat-up apartment in Tokyo. However this apartment building is home to some out-of-the-ordinary residents who are always bugging Kyoichi. His next-door neighbor hits...
Country: Japan
Genre: Human drama
Autism is not easy to understand because if there are ten autistic people there are ten cases. You have to learn each case otherwise youd be lost completely. Heres a 31-year old autistic man whose intelligence is only of a 10-year old child. Due to the lack of understanding people around him get confused and sometimes mad at him. His family watches over him warmly and with the help of his...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation
A great war occurred in the 20th century between humans and monsters. Since that time the monsters rule the world in fear but keep relatively hidden from public view. A boy named Bokka ponders the past and wonders what became of the Meros Warriors who defended the world so bravely against the demons. He soon meets Kurofune and learns of the power of the Meros and the I-bar machines they ride in...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure
Six months after the conclusion of the L5 Campaign and the DC War the crews of the PT carriers Hagane and Hiryuu Custom have gone their separate ways. They are not far apart for long however as the remnants of the DC soon begin to push against the Federation Forces with newly acquired resources. A mysterious organization the Shadow Mirror has begun to arm them with weapons and robots that...