Country: Japan
Genre: Thriller, Comedy, Drama
Due to heavy debts incurred by CEO Yushiyuki the owner of a small cardboard processing company was forced into bankruptcy and driven to suicide. Despite pleas from the mans family Yoshiyuki remained unpunished by the law. Blocked by the usual legal channels the son Kubota Kazuma and his cousin vow to kill the man responsible for his death. However given that neither of them has ever killed...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Toyama Eiji became popular and his star was on the rise in his mid-20s. Back in the day he played the lead in the hit drama Deeper than Love. His passionate romance with his co-star Ozono Hitomi made waves but he was discovered to be two-timing her and they broke up. He was iced out of the industry for three years as a result of a press conference that Hitomi held. It has been an open secret...
Country: Thailand
Genre: Romance
After losing an online match a famous gamer complies with the winners demand to be his...
Country: Thailand
Genre: Romance, Drama, Melodrama
In an antique shop the value of each item is the story behind them. People who sell their belongings here can reminisce on their lives and buyers see their value hidden within. Six stories about memories love dreams and separation are linked to six...
Country: Thailand
Genre: Mystery, Romance, Drama
A secret tape of Phanthiwa is exposed at her wedding to Phureenat. Humiliated by the incident she resolves to commit suicide. It was only her five-person friend group who knew Phantiwas secret. Meena tries to find the culprit. During her investigation Meena needs to dig through Phanthiwas history with her ex-boyfriend Pitch. The more she digs the darker the truth about the cliques...
Country: Thailand
Genre: Drama
An online journalist a psychologist and a social worker the three musketeers who delve deep into issues concerning children and adolescents that no one dares to address. This story depicts Thai society from an unusual and unique point of view. Such an inspiring story will give you a light of hope in this hopeless...