Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Shounen, Dub
everal hundred years in the future the resources of the Earth runs out and the progression of the human race has stagnated. The world is now divided into Units. A boy named Hajiki Sanada lives with his mother and sister in Unit 74 in a place called Night Town in which all electricity is shut down at midnight. The key in this story is an object called the GAD. GADs have the ability to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Parody, School, Shounen Ai
The school love story is set at Baramon High School a private boys school for the prefectures most elite. The protagonist is a seventeen year old boy who transfers into the school and meets various major players on campus such as the outlaw teacher the soccer captain and a childhood friend whom the protagonist has not seen for seven years. The school presents opportunities for friendship...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Comedy, Dub, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, School, Sci-Fi, Supernatural
Long long ago an epic catastrophe known as Invertia caused a complete change in the worlds power balance. In the years following this disaster a group known as the Integrated Enterprise Foundation rose to power. In addition to this massive change a new breed of humans born with amazing physical skills known as Genestella also emerged and joined the ranks of humanity. Gakusen Toshi...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, School, Sci-Fi, Supernatural
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Mecha, Space
In the year 2111 the solar system has been colonized. The colonized moons and planets are lawless and the police are helpless. In order to battle the evil within the solar system Isaac Godonov creates J9 made up of himself Blaster Kid Stephen Bowie and Angel Omachi. They are a team that will handle any missions the police will not with their robot Braiger... for a price. Meanwhile the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Dub, Sci-Fi
In the far future the human race advanced to space and prospered. However Jikushin earthquake of time and space which occurred suddenly intercepted all networks and all the civilizations were reset. However the human race begins to revive and enters the prosperity age of The Second by the Transvaal imperial country which rises at the center of the galactic system. The science and...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Sci-Fi
Their mission is to locate and retrieve the mysterious Lost Technology even though these girls have never been known to stick to their mission. Milfeulle Forte Ranpha Mint and Vanilla are back for another round of hilarity. The Galaxy Angels have sworn to protect the galaxy one planet at a time. Now with some competition with the newly-formed Twin Star Brigade they continue to find...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Comedy, Dub
The evil overlord Makuamuge is planning to take over both the game and real worlds and it is up to the ninja Goemon his friends girlfriend and giant robot to defeat Makuamuges henchmen and save both...